Consultancy Services to the Social & Privately Rented Housing, Health, Care and Support Sectors
More About Phil Saunders Associates
Phil Saunders Associates are passionate about housing, health, care and support.
We are committed to transforming and integrating these sectors, in the interests of service users. By working with our clients, it is our intention to make the complex interactions between government (be it national or local) commissioners and thier provider partners work. Bureaucracy and culture clashes will always be frustrating – but we are here to help you make sense of it. We have a proven track record of building positive relationships and developing practical solutions.
Phil Saunders, our Director, has over 35 years of experience in the housing and support sectors. He was Head of Supported Housing at the Housing Corporation from 1991. Then, in 1999, he was seconded to the government’s Rough Sleepers Unit, where he was Head of Tenancy Sustainment.
When he first moved to the South West, Phil worked for Knightstone Housing Association (now LiveWest) Since 2001, he has undertaken a wide range of consultancy projects, including those listed on this web site.
Until March 2020, Phil was also a Non Executive Board Member and Senior Independent Director for a NHS funded social enterprise health care provider, North Somerset Community Partnership.
How we do Business
We want you to be clear about what you will be getting – and at the same time allow some space for creativity and changes of tack. That is why we always work closely with a named contact from the client organisation. We will provide you with a clear Project Proposal together with a price (fixed or flexible) based on the time required to achieve various identifiable outcomes. If substantial departures and/or additional work are required, we will always agree this with you in advance.
We believe we offer good value for money. We do not invest heavily in glossy presentation – but you can rest assured our work will be of high quality. We always allow for plenty of input from the client. By doing this, we ensure that the client experiences a strong sense of involvement and ownership.
Phil Saunders Associates is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity. We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. A copy of our Equal Opportunities Policy is available on request.