Public Speaking , Facilitation, and Training
Our clients often want us to provide trainers, speakers and facilitators – for groups of stakeholders, service users and providers. Examples include:
LB Camden – we presented our research findings at LB Camden’s latest Hostel Pathway review event in November 2023
National Housing Federation – we conducted a major, interactive consultation focussing on the government’s proposals for the future funding of Supported Housing
The Meaning of Money – we addressed this Lemos & Crane seminar on the topic of personalisation, individual budgets and direct payments;
London Borough of Ealing and North Tyneside Council – for these authorities, we have developed and delivered training for providers that are interested in tendering in response to formal procurement exercises;
Carr Gomm – we were invited to speak after dinner at Carr Gomm’s Board Away Weekend;
Managing New Realities – we delivered a keynote presentation on the topic of Personalisation and Supporting People Services at this high profile event, sponsored by the Guardian;
Telford and the Wrekin – we carried out extensive consultation with services users on the support services available in this unitary authority;
Warwickshire Supporting People – we made the major contributions at a consultation event for a wide range of stakeholders to the Supporting People strategy.
ROCC – Small Providers – under the umbrella of ROCC, we provided on-site advice, facilitated workshops and delivered training for small providers in Hampshire and the adjoining unitaries.
Performance Review and Business Planning
Our extensive experience of strategic management has enabled us to work across a range of provider and statutory organisations. Our Director has worked as an Audit Commission associate and has hands on experience of performance evaluation and improvement. He also has solid financial skills, having worked as finance manager for a Housing Association and had responsibility for major grants budgets. Projects have included:
LB Camden –each year, we carry out a major review of Camden’s hostel pathway, looking at the support, health and housing needs of over 600 service users
Homeless Link – each year, we act as an official verifier for a number of Rough Sleeper Counts/Estimates across a range of Local Authorities
YMCA Dulverton Group – we advise this provider of supported housing on a range of issues, including regulatory compliance, funding/finance and options appraisal
St Petrock’s – we advised this not for profit provider of Supported Housing on rent setting for exempt accommodation
Women’s Aid Federation of Northern Ireland – we carried out an analysis of the financial and non-financial benefits of Refuges and Floating Support services across Northern Ireland
Private Rented Sector – safeagent co-regulation 2019 – we carried out compliance audits of member lettings & management agents in Liverpool as part of the City Council’s co-regulation scheme
LiveWest (formerly Knightstone Housing Association)– we have assisted this major housing provider with a number of strategic business initiatives, including Supported Housing for people with Learning Disabilities, options appraisal for the Bristol Foyer, an Older People’s Housing Strategy and partnership due diligence
City of Bradford – in partnership with Sitra, we carried out an options appraisal and strategic review of homelessness services funded under the Supporting People programme
Northampton Borough Council – also through Sitra, we carried out a strategic review of this borough’s sheltered housing provision, in conjuction with stakeholders in County Social Services and Health
YMCA England – we conducted a review of rents, service charges, management fees and maintenance fees for this national provider and its Local Housing Partners
St Mungos Community Housing Association – we conducted an in depth review of this leading homelessness organisation’s approach to new business, looking in particular at thier engagement with compeitive tendering, The review focussed on how the tendering process was resorced and organised, the content of method statements and pricing schedules and the position of the provider in the emerging commissioning market place
Southwold Young People’s Housing Association – we advised this provider on changes to their service model, aimed at achieving better outcomes for clients and better value for money for commissioners
East Bristol Youth Housing Association – we prepared a business plan for this organisation, in light of the Supporting People changes
The Audit Commission – RSL Inspections – we participated in four inspections of Supported Housing RSLs, providing specialist advice to the audit team and covering a range of service areas.
Interim and Project Management
We acted as project manager of a major programme of change for the London Borough of Wandsworth, looking at transformation of the Borough’s services for people with Mental Health problems, run in conjunction with the local Mental Health Trust.
For several years, we have had a close relationship with Sitra (now Homeless Link) the umbrella body for Supported Housing providers. This has involved us in:
Consultancy – we scoped Nothamptonshire Borough Council’s Independent Living Review of thier Sheltered Housing and housing related support services
Interim Management – we covered the senior post of Head of Information and Marketing for nine months. In this role, we commissioned a number of high profile events and edited the Sitra Bulletin magazine. We also had oversight of a major Information Technology development project
National Infrastructure Projects– we developed training materials and publications, in the areas of Procurement, Outcomes Monitoring, Local Area Agreements, Benchmarking and a range of other topics
Regional Projects – We conducted Network Mapping research for the SW Regional Housing Body and supported several providers through the recent changes to Supporting People.